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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Sexual Chemistry and Technical Writing

I used to teach technical writing.

What's wonderful about Ivana Chubbuck's technique for creating sexual chemistry on stage is that it really is a series of steps that could be documented as easily as a computer program--or anything else--could be documented.

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How to Create Sexual Chemistry

To create sexual chemistry, follow these five easy steps.
  1. Choose the person you want to have sexual chemistry with. Make sure that you are prepared to deal with any consequences. Take a playful approach towards this step.
  2. Find the opportunity to discuss subjects of mutual concern with your target. Through insightful questioning, isolate sources of pain that your target experiences.
  3. Compare your target's sources of pain with your own and identify at least one source that you have in common.
  4. Look into your target's eyes while thinking about your mutual source of pain.
  5. Simultaneously begin fantasizing about all the sexual things that you could be doing with your target.
Your sexual target will remain clueless. He or she will have no idea that you are manipulating the situation to create sexual chemistry. But your partner will feel its effects. Have fun!

* * * * * * *

Now these instructions need to be user tested.

Do they need graphics or should they be online?

What about a tutorial?

How can they be adjusted to take good localization and internationalization practices into account?

Could instructions like this be offshored to India? What modifications might we see if they were rewritten in India or developed further over there?

The possibilities are endless.


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